Transfer existing cookiebot account

Start using our banner designs and receive first line support

Want to use the MonsterCookie cookie banner designs in your Cookiebot account?

The MonsterCookie cookie banner designs can be used in your current Cookiebot subscribtion when you assign MonsterCookie as your reseller. This is applicable for all Cookiebot premium accounts.


MonsterCookie receives a kick back fee from Cookiebot, making it possible for us to give you acces to our first line support and provide you the MonsterCookie cookie banner designs free of charge.

Your current Cookiebot login details and configuration remain in tact when transfering.


Follow the steps below:


Transfer existing account


1 Make sure you are logged out of all your Cookiebot cookie manager sessions in all your browser windows before you proceed.

Transfer account

2 Click the button below and click on the login link.

3 Log in with your existing Cookiebot account information: e-mail address and password.

4 Your account has now been transfered to MonsterCookie. You are elligable for our first line support and cookie banner designs. Click next to sign up for a MonsterCookie Portal account.

Screenshot step 2:

Screenshot step 3: