Double cookie opt-in rates!

Use Cookiebot software together with our cookie banner designs to increase your opt-in rates up to 95%!

Start your 14 day free trial now! Use your existing Cookiebot account

Compliance made easy:

Cookie consent

Customized user consent for your website. Full compliance with GDPR, ePR and CCPA.

Cookie monitoring

Automated cookie scan to monitor and report all types of cookies and similar tracking on your site.

Cookie control

Automatic blocking of all first- and third-party cookies on your website until consent is given.

Cookiebot runs on 500.000+ Websites, manages 13 bilion User Consents and supports 40+ languages. MonsterCookie is the go to partner for website owners and Cookiebot users in need of fresh customizable cookie baner designs that support high opt-in percentages. A selection of our customers:

MonsterCookie client 1 MonsterCookie client 2 MonsterCookie 3 MonsterCookie 4 MonsterCookie client 5

What is the first thing people see on your website?

We believe respecting the privacy of your website visitor is important and that your website visitor should be able to rely on this.

Implement an industry recognized tool and adapt the MonsterCookie cookie banners to your corporate identity and flavour.

Achieve your online goals by SuperCharging your opt-in percentages, while respecting the privacy of your website visitors in line with GDPR, ePr and CCPA.

How does it work?

1 Create a Cookiebot account

2 Enter your website URL. The cookie scanner starts and identifies all cookies and trackers.

3 Monthly cookie report: an overview of cookies automatically categorized (necessary, functional, statistical, marketing) in your inbox and accessible in the Cookiebot cookie manager.

4 Download the MonsterCookie cookie banner designs and implement in the Cookiebot cookie manager.

Cookie management on auto pilot?

5 Share 2 scripts with your web designer. Managing cookies on your website is now on auto pilot.

Cookie compliance on auto pilot including high opt-in percentages

Cookie scanner, cookie banner, cookie declaration and
cookie consent in one solution.

Implement 2 scripts. 1 for the cookie banner and 1 for the cookie declaration.

Easy to use

The Cookiebot cookie manager is easy to use and enables you to manage your cookies and customize settings according to your desired look and feel.

Multi Lingual

The cookie banner and cookie declaration are available in 40+ languages.

Consent Log

All user consents are logged and stored in the cookie manager. A GDPR requirement. Consent log reports give insights into your opt-in succes percentages.

Automatic cookie blocking

A unique function: Automatic blocking of all first- and third-party cookies on your website until consent is given.

Monthly cookie scan

Identifies all cookies and trackers on your website. Notification and report in the cookie manager and by email. (30% of cookies change on a monthly basis).

Automatic classification of cookies

Categorized in Necessary, Functional, Statistical and Marketing cookies and trackers. Editable in the cookie manager.

Automatic Cookie declaration

Implement as a stand alone page, or incorporate into your privacy policy page. Always up to date through the monthly cookie scan.

MonsterCookie Cookie Banner Designs

High opt-in percentages on your cookies with the MonsterCookie cookie banner designs *.

* The MonsterCookie cookie banners can be used during the Cookiebot trial period and in combination with a subscription.
The MonsterCookie cookie banners cannot be used in combination with the Cookiebot Free Version (<= 100 pages).

About MonsterCookie

We believe respecting the privacy of your website visitor is important and that your website visitor should be able to rely on this.

We believe cookies are important for your online goals and that any website can be compliant when using cookies in line with GDPR.

To achieve this we support you with our cookie banner designs in combination with the Cookiebot technology. MonsterCookie is a registered Cookiebot partner .


Find answers to your questions in our knowledge base .

Each website can be successful with cookies and GDPR. We enable you to do so by sharing our knowledge through tips &tricks, our knowledge base, video tutorials, guides &manuals.

If you can’t find your answers there, then simply get in touch with our support desk.